ELA = English Language Arts
This includes ALL of our reading and writing activities.
As an example we started to talk about NOUNS this week. We not only sorted NOUNS and NOT Nouns, but we also talked about ADJECTIVES and VERBS! Each student was given a word card to read and sort.
Writing Workshop
This past week we continued to work on WRITING STAMINA using lists and then writing. Topics included friends, teachers, books, and memories of Grade 2.
Writers Write About Books! |
Buddies share their writing! |
New friends share their work. |
I love this good listening and following along. |
Students also respond to journal prompts each week. This week asked students where they fall in their family order and what they liked and didn't like about their place in their family.
Oldest, middle, youngest, only... where are you? |
Reading Workshop
In reading workshop, we start with a mini lesson and then students have time for independent reading. Our mini lessons this week included abandoning books and distinguishing between fiction and nonfiction books. Using our book order, students were asked to identify types of fiction and nonfiction. They were excited that we weren't cutting up ALL the book orders and some got to go home!
Sort your BOOKS! |
Dylan hard at work! |
Where do the books we have read belong? |
We are continuing to work on handwriting practice. We have several friends who need practice on making tall letters TALL (h, l, k, b, d, f, t), short letters SHORT (a, c, e, i m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z), and hanging letters HANG (g, j, p, q, y). This also included learning to write our full name, address and phone number this week. I have several student who will need to retake the quiz next week.
Students were REALLY excited to log on to our Chromebooks today. We were waiting for all of our AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) forms to be returned to school. Today we practiced logging on to Google using our passwords. Students all joined my Google Classroom and we did a placement on Lexia.
Just a reminder that if your child does not have head phones, please send some in for he/she to use. Some of our apps or programs require students to listen to directions. (Thanks!)
Room 102 is getting tech savvy! |
Please send in headphones if your child does not have some at school. |
Read Aloud
I read aloud every day after recess/lunch. We have finished our first chapter book, Muggie Maggie and have started our second, All About Sam. Ask your third grader to tell you about these books. They really enjoy read alouds. We keep a running list of all the books read aloud in class.
In math we are working on ROUNDING numbers to the nearest 10 using 2 and 3 digit numbers. We wrote numbers and then decided what two tens that number was in between. Then we circled the closest ten.
We will continue next week with rounding to the nearest 100. Be on the lookout for some rounding homework next week.
Social Studies
This week we learned what a TRIBE is. We will be learning about Native American tribes that inhabited (and some that still do) Massachusetts. With this learning we also started working on writing answers to questions in COMPLETE sentences. Many grade 3 teachers call this TTQA.... or TURN THE QUESTION AROUND. In short, this means use the words in the question to write your answer.
Here is an example:
What is a tribe? >>>> A tribe is a community of Native Americans.
We will be learning about many different Native people with a focus on the Wampanoag tribe.
A "wetu" was a summer home for the Wampanoag people. They lived in these during the summer months.
Parent Information Night
I look forward to seeing you all at Parent Information Night on Tuesday, September 20th. I am located on the first floor in Room 102.