Sunday, January 12, 2020

It's 2020!

Image result for 2020 animated

We're off to a great start in 2020! Students came back after vacation and wrote vacation headlines. Whether is was skiing, sleepovers, seeing cousins, gifts received, or lazy days they were excited to share their vacation stories. 

Students also wrote New Year's Resolution poems. 

We have been reading MANY different poems for our POETRY unit. Students looked at different poetic devices such as alliteration, metaphors, similes, and rhyme and repetition. Students read chorally and looked at rhyme scheme. They chose some of their favorites to include in their own poetry anthology. They have practiced writing lines of poetry as well. 

In MATH we are working on finding the area of regular and irregular shapes. We have decomposed shapes and found the area of smaller regular shapes. We have also looked at the difference between area and perimeter. 
Image result for area and perimeterImage result for area irregular shapes

We also used our word study words to find area and perimeter of our words.  

We have been continuing our SCIENCE unit on Motion & Matter and students have enjoyed designing and engineering their own carts. They were challenged to design and build a cart that would travel 100 cm. We have since used the designs to test ramps and starting points to see how it affects distance. 

This week students tried CART TRICKS. 

We finished reading Frindle and started reading Deadliest Animals. Students really like the nonfiction text features like large photographs, deadly definitions, picture glossary, and catchy chapter titles. We made predictions about the DEADLIEST animal and also learned many facts about animals. 

Image result for deadliest animals national geographic"

The world's deadliest animal... unlike the misleading cover photo is the mosquito! 
Image result for mosquito

This upcoming week we will look at other nonfiction texts and come up with ideas for writing nonfiction topics of our own.