Friday, February 9, 2018

Olympic Fever in Room 102

Do you know the motto of the Olympics? Do you know the colors of the Olympic rings? How about what the 5 rings represent? Don't know.... ask your 3rd grader!  

The Winter Games, which occur every 4 years, have their Opening Ceremony tonight! The games are being held or hosted this year in Pyeongchang, South Korea!  

We have been reading and learning about the Olympics in class. Pierre de Coubertin is known as the Father of the Modern Olympics. We have learned of his contributions to the symbols of the Olympics, including the flag and motto. 

Today, we had a very special guest in our class. Sidney's mom, Kristine Lilly (Heavey), is a three time Olympiad for the United Stated Women's Soccer Team!  She brought in pictures, clothing, gold and silver medals, and a true Olympic spirit to our class today! 

Kristine spoke the great things about being on a team, working hard, and the importance of school! She is a World Record holder for the most games played for a country - 352! She is also a member of the National Soccer Hall of Fame! 

She compared winning the gold medal to a snow day times 200!  

Talking about TEAMWORK!

Telling the class about stepping
on to the podium! 

Anna takes a look at a gold medal! 

How cool is this? 

Here is what your child might look like if he/she wins for Team U.S.A.! 

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